
Automation and AI Trends 2024 – By UiPath

China Approves 14 AI Models to Fuel Industry-Specific Innovation

Automation and AI are two transformative technologies that are reshaping the world of work and creating new value for enterprises. 

UiPath had just released its report on Automation & AI Trends for 2024. Check out the article here.

In this report, UiPath, a leading provider of software solutions for automating business processes, presents seven key trends that will shape the future of automation and AI in 2024. These trends cover topics such as AI investment, use cases, transparency, conversational assistants, automation development, trustworthiness, and education. The report also provides insights, examples, and resources to help enterprises and individuals leverage the power and potential of automation and AI.

The document highlights seven main trends and provides more details on each of them, such as:

  • The C-suite seizes AI’s value—with automation’s help. The document cites statistics and examples of how AI investments are expected to grow rapidly, and how automation is the key to unlocking AI’s potential and value. It also mentions some challenges and opportunities for C-level executives to lead the AI transformation in their organizations.
  • Select AI + automation use cases get hot, hot, hot. The document identifies some applications of AI and automation, such as intelligent document processing, conversational AI, and computer vision, that will see increased adoption and demand due to their proven benefits and readiness. It also provides some use cases and customer stories of how these technologies are applied in various industries and domains.
  • The transparent organization comes into focus—end-to-end. The document explains how process and task mining technologies will enable enterprises to gain visibility and insights into their workflows and performance, and how digital twinning will allow them to simulate and optimize scenarios. It also discusses some benefits and best practices of using these technologies to improve operational efficiency and customer experience.
  • LLMs power virtual BFFs. The document describes how large language models (LLMs) will enable the creation of more natural, engaging, and helpful conversational assistants that can assist people in various tasks and domains. It also highlights some features and capabilities of UiPath’s generative AI-based conversational assistant, and how it can improve productivity and satisfaction for both employees and customers.
  • There’s a new jolt of “auto” in automation. The document illustrates how AI will enable a big leap forward in automating automation itself, such as reducing model training time, simplifying low-code and no-code development, and generating automation scripts from natural language6. It also showcases some of UiPath’s innovations and offerings in this area, and how they can help enterprises accelerate and scale their automation initiatives.
  • Safe AI becomes a focus of action—and innovation. The document emphasizes the importance and urgency of ensuring the trustworthiness, fairness, accountability, and ethics of AI, as it becomes more pervasive and powerful. It also shares some of UiPath’s efforts and solutions in this area, and how they can help enterprises mitigate the risks and challenges of AI deployment and governance.
  • We begin the work of redefining work. The document explores how AI and automation augment human capabilities and transform work processes, and what are the new opportunities and challenges for education, reskilling, and collaboration. It also suggests some ways and resources for enterprises and individuals to prepare for the future of work, and how UiPath can support them in this journey.

Automation and AI are not just technologies, but catalysts for innovation, transformation, and growth. As we enter 2024, we will witness how automation and AI bring out the best in each other and in us, enabling us to work more creatively, collaboratively, and strategically. UiPath is committed to upleveling knowledge work and empowering people to achieve more with automation and AI.

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