
Myriad Venture Partners secures $100million in Initial capital

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Myriad Venture Partners has officially launched its inaugural fund, securing an impressive $100 million in initial capital commitments. This venture firm, headquartered in New York City, is on a mission to support transformational founders in the realms of artificial intelligence (AI), B2B software, and clean technology.

Backed by anchor investor Xerox®, Myriad Venture Partners leverages its extensive network of corporate titans and top-tier venture capitalists to forge mutually beneficial partnerships with cutting-edge businesses and visionary founders. The fund, known as Fund I, aims to achieve investor commitments totaling $200 million, showcasing a robust response to the evolving landscape of global venture funding for early-stage startups.

Born out of the success of Xerox Ventures, Myriad brings decades of investment, strategy, and operational expertise to the table. The firm’s co-founder, Chris Fisher, expressed the firm’s dedication to impacting the early-stage startup landscape, stating, “Enhanced by our strategic network, our returns-driven investment model is poised to significantly impact the early-stage startup landscape. We are dedicated to helping founders pioneer the next generation of business solutions in areas including AI, B2B software, and clean tech.”

The partnership with Xerox plays a pivotal role in Myriad’s journey, with Xerox’s Chief Transformation and Administrative Officer, Louie Pastor, affirming, “Xerox is proud to back Chris and the Myriad team, and we look forward to leveraging the Xerox and Myriad partnership to generate returns and create value.”

Myriad’s Advisory Council, featuring corporate partners Xerox and HCLTech, serves as a proving ground for the development of new business models and go-to-market strategies. It offers a significant advantage to Myriad, co-investors, and portfolio companies seeking market validation.

Vishal Sunak, CEO and co-founder of LinkSquares, commended Myriad Ventures as a trusted partner, stating, “The team’s insights and robust partnership ecosystem, particularly with technology and business leaders like Xerox, contribute to the sustained success of our advanced AI technology in revolutionizing business processes.”

Myriad Venture Partners has already made impactful investments in 14 AI, clean tech, and B2B software companies through Fund I. Seurat Technologies, one of the backed companies, has garnered substantial follow-on funding from industry leaders like Nvidia and Honda. Other notable investments include LinkSquares, Anvilogic, and Mojave Energy Systems. The fund’s guiding philosophy is deeply rooted in the team’s success at Xerox Ventures and a steadfast commitment to achieving sustained financial returns.

As Myriad Venture Partners continues to shape the next generation of business solutions, its commitment to innovation, strategic partnerships, and sustainable growth positions it as a formidable player in the evolving landscape of venture capital. For more information, visit www.myriadventures.com.

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