How Do AI Detectors Work?

How do AI Detectors Work

AI detectors can tell if a text was written by a human or an AI system. AI detectors are important because AI writing tools like ChatGPT are becoming more accessible and powerful. These tools generate texts that people often cannot distinguish from human writing. Do you know how do AI detectors work? Let’s find out.

AI writing tools use large language models that can generate text based on a given prompt or query. These models predict the next word in a sentence using lots of internet data for training. These models lack the ability to comprehend the meaning or context of the text they generate. As a result, they are prone to making mistakes and producing confusing content.

AI detectors prevent misuse of AI writing tools for plagiarism, spam, fake news, or malicious content. AI detectors can assist educators, researchers, and moderators in confirming the genuineness and excellence of online texts.

But how do AI detectors work, and how reliable are they? In this blog post, we will explain the main methods and challenges of AI detection and how you can spot AI-generated text yourself.

How Do AI Detectors Work? Methods of AI Detection

AI detectors analyze text features and patterns. They compare these features and patterns to a database. The database contains both human-written and AI-generated texts.

The detectors use various techniques for this comparison. Some of the most common methods are:

Perplexity: This is a measure of how unpredictable or surprising a text is. AI writing tools try to produce texts with low perplexity, which means they are more likely to make sense and read smoothly, but also more predictable. Human writing tends to have higher perplexity, which means it is more creative and diverse but also more prone to errors. AI detectors use language models to determine the complexity of a text. They then compare it to a set limit to determine if it was likely created by AI.

Burstiness: This is a measure of how frequently certain words or phrases appear in a text. AI writing tools often repeat words or phrases more frequently than human writers, especially when they encounter difficulties or confusion. AI detectors can detect bursts of high-frequency terms created by this.

Style: This is a measure of how consistent and coherent a text is in terms of its tone, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and formatting. AI writing tools may struggle to maintain a consistent style throughout a text, especially when they switch topics or sources. They can make style mistakes that are not typical in human writing. These mistakes include forgetting spaces, capitalization errors, and incorrect use of quotes. AI detectors analyze text style using NLP and compare it to human-written texts.

Content: This is a measure of how accurate and relevant a text is in terms of its facts, logic, and arguments. AI writing tools can produce incorrect or irrelevant content. This can happen because they may not fully understand the meaning or context of the text. Another reason is that they may copy information from unreliable sources. AI detectors use databases and algorithms to check text and compare it with human-written texts for accuracy.

Reliability of AI Detectors

AI detectors are still in their early stages of development and experimentation, and they face many challenges and limitations. Some of the main challenges are:

Data quality: AI detectors rely on large datasets of human-written and AI-generated texts to train their models and compare their results. However, these datasets may be incomplete, outdated, biased, or noisy, affecting the accuracy and reliability of the AI detectors.

Model complexity: AI detectors use complex models that involve multiple techniques and parameters to analyze and evaluate texts. These models are complex and challenging to comprehend and clarify. This complexity makes it tough to understand their functioning and the rationale behind their decision-making process.

Model robustness: AI detectors may be vulnerable to adversarial attacks or manipulation by malicious actors who try to fool them or bypass them. For example, attackers may use paraphrasing tools, spelling variations, or synonyms to alter their texts and evade detection.

Model adaptation: AI detectors may struggle to keep up with the rapid evolution and improvement of AI writing tools, which may become more sophisticated and diverse over time. New AI writing tools may use different language models, data sources, or formats not covered by current AI detectors.

Different AI Detector Tools

There are many different AI detector tools available online, each with its own features and advantages. Some of the most popular ones are:

Winston AI: This is a premium tool that claims to have 84% accuracy in detecting AI-generated text. It uses multiple methods such as perplexity, burstiness, style analysis, content verification, sentiment analysis, topic modeling, and more. It also provides a detailed report with explanations and suggestions for each text.

Originality.AI: This is another premium tool that claims to have 76% accuracy in detecting AI-generated text. It uses a combination of perplexity, style analysis, content verification, and plagiarism checking. It also provides a comprehensive report with scores and feedback for each text.

Sapling: This is a free tool that claims to have 68% accuracy in detecting AI-generated text. It uses perplexity and style analysis to identify AI-generated text. It also provides a simple report with a percentage score and a color-coded highlight for each text.

CopyLeaks: This is a free tool that claims to have 66% accuracy in detecting AI-generated text. It uses perplexity, style analysis, and plagiarism checking to identify AI-generated text. It also provides a basic report with a percentage score and a list of sources for each text.

ZeroGPT: This is a free tool that claims to have 64% accuracy in detecting AI-generated text. It uses perplexity and burstiness to identify AI-generated text. It also provides a simple report with a percentage score and a binary label for each text.

How to Spot AI-Generated Text Yourself

AI detectors are helpful but not flawless in identifying AI-generated text on the internet. So, use your own critical thinking and common sense to judge the texts you find online. Here are some tips on how to spot AI-generated text yourself:

– Check the source: Look for clues about who wrote the text, where it was published, when it was updated, and what references or citations it provides. If the source is unknown, unreliable, or outdated, the text may be AI-generated or untrustworthy.

– Check the style: Look for errors or inconsistencies in the tone, vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and formatting of the text. If the style is unnatural, awkward, or incoherent, the text may be AI-generated or poorly written.

– Check the content: Look for inaccuracies or irrelevancies in the facts, logic, and arguments of the text. If the content is false, contradictory, or off-topic, the text may be AI-generated or misleading.

– Check the context: Look for connections or contradictions between the text and other texts or sources on the same topic. If the text appears isolated, outdated, or inconsistent with other sources, it may indicate that the text is AI-generated or outdated.


AI detectors are tools that can determine if a text was written by a human or an AI system. They study text characteristics and patterns, comparing them to a database of human-written and AI-generated texts using different methods. However, AI detectors are not fully reliable or secure, and they face many challenges and limitations. Therefore, you should also use your own critical thinking skills and common sense to spot AI-generated text online.

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