
OpenAI DevDay: GPT-4 Turbo, Custom ChatGPT, and API Updates

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OpenAI DevDay: GPT-4 Turbo, Custom ChatGPT, and API Updates

OpenAI DevDay showcased groundbreaking advancements in AI technology that are transforming the AI landscape. OpenAI hosted a developer conference where they showcased new innovations that will change how we interact with AI.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman shared some impressive numbers in his speech. He mentioned that 92% of big companies use OpenAI. Additionally, over 2 million developers use their technology. Furthermore, ChatGPT has 100 million users every week.

These numbers demonstrate the significant growth of OpenAI, which can be attributed to people recommending it to others. This shows how much OpenAI has grown thanks to people recommending it to others.

Altman’s vision for AI is compelling. He believes that AI is a powerful tool that assists and improves people’s abilities on a large scale. Ultimately, it elevates humanity to new levels. As AI becomes seamlessly integrated into our lives, we gain access to “superpowers on demand.”

OpenAI provided $500 in credits to every attendee. This demonstrates their commitment to the developer community and their efforts to foster new opportunities in AI development.

Let’s look at the important updates and announcements from OpenAI’s DevDay, marking a new era of AI innovation.

GPTs: Tailored AI for Specific Purposes

At DevDay, the GPTs were introduced. These are customized versions of ChatGPT that companies can make for specific purposes. GPTs have instructions, knowledge, and actions that make them useful for various purposes. Examples of GPTs in education and design settings demonstrated their potential.

You can easily create GPTs using the GPT Builder program, even without much programming knowledge. It’s quite impressive. Altman showcased how users can effortlessly build GPTs, providing responses to prompted queries. GPTs can be improved with DALL-E 3 and can use uploaded files to customize their instructions.

OpenAI plans to establish a GPT Store where users can conveniently download GPTs. Additionally, the company plans to reward developers who create the most popular GPTs on the platform.

GPT-4 Turbo: Turbocharging AI Performance

GPT-4 Turbo, the latest iteration of OpenAI’s GPT-4 model, is a leap forward in AI capabilities. It boasts an extraordinary context length of 128,000 tokens—equivalent to an entire 300-page book. This expanded context empowers GPT-4 Turbo to comprehend and respond to more extensive queries.

A notable feature of GPT-4 Turbo is its JSON Mode, which enhances control and safeguards while making API calls. This update also welcomes external knowledge integration, extending the AI’s comprehension and applicability. We will periodically update the knowledge data, extending up to April 2023.

Another noteworthy addition is the Reproducible Outputs feature, offering users greater control over the model’s behavior. This feature allows users to pass a seed parameter to generate consistent outputs, ensuring predictable results. This feature is introduced in beta.

What sets GPT-4 Turbo apart is its cost-efficiency. Running GPT-4 Turbo is notably more affordable than its predecessor. AI apps are cheaper and easier for developers due to the economic advantage of input and output tokens.

OpenAI is increasing the tokens-per-minute limit for paying GPT-4 customers, making the model more efficient and responsive.

Microsoft CEO’s Endorsement

At DevDay, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella talked about how OpenAI’s language models are changing Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing platform. He emphasized Microsoft’s commitment to providing the best systems to support OpenAI’s models, facilitating the progress of AI technology.

The partnership between Microsoft and OpenAI is a formidable alliance in the tech world, with shared aspirations to advance artificial general intelligence (AGI) collaboratively.

ChatGPT Enhancements and Model Picker Removal

The enhancements to ChatGPT continue, with the integration of GPT-4 Turbo, improving its capabilities and responsiveness. OpenAI is simplifying the user experience by removing the model picker. ChatGPT will now automatically choose the right tools and functions based on how users interact with it. This streamlines the user experience and reduces complexity.

Copyright Shield: Protecting Users

In a move echoing tech giants like Microsoft and Google, OpenAI introduced the Copyright Shield initiative. OpenAI pledges to support and cover the legal costs incurred by customers, whether they are Enterprise users or API users, facing copyright infringement claims related to the use of OpenAI’s technology.

API Updates: Expanding Possibilities

No developer conference is complete without substantial updates to the OpenAI API. These updates include the ability for models to accept images as inputs, enhancing the range of applications. DALL-E 3 and GPT-4 Turbo with Vision capabilities are joining the API, opening doors to creative possibilities.

Soon, users will gain access to log props in the API, enhancing their understanding of model behavior. Whisper v3, an improved version of OpenAI’s speech recognition tool, will soon be released, enhancing voice capabilities.

Custom Model-Building for Business

OpenAI is set to collaborate with corporate clients to develop custom AI models tailored to their unique needs. Altman admitted that not everyone can afford this service right away. However, it has great potential for businesses seeking AI solutions. Nevertheless, it marks the beginning of a new era in custom AI development.

The Assistants API: Simplifying AI Agent Creation

The DevDay event also introduced the Assistants API, aimed at simplifying the process of building AI agents. Creating AI agents has historically been a time-consuming and costly endeavor, but the Assistants API seeks to change that. With features like Persistent Threads, retrieval tools, and a Code Interpreter, developers can streamline the creation and deployment of AI agents for diverse applications.


OpenAI’s DevDay event shows how AI technology is rapidly evolving and impacting different industries. OpenAI has released GPT-4 Turbo, custom ChatGPT, and various API updates. This demonstrates their commitment to advancing and increasing accessibility to artificial intelligence.

As technology improves, AI will become more useful, affordable, and customized for businesses and developers. Removing the model picker in ChatGPT simplifies user conversations. Additionally, features like Copyright Shield ensure user safety.

The Assistants API and custom model-building initiatives represent a new frontier in AI development, making it easier for developers and businesses to create intelligent agents and customized AI solutions.

OpenAI’s collaboration with tech giants like Microsoft underscores the industry’s united front in advancing artificial general intelligence. Big language models have a strong effect on cloud computing platforms, showing the power of AI, according to Satya Nadella.

OpenAI’s DevDay shows how AI has come a long way and can help everyone by integrating intelligence into our daily lives. The attendees received $500 in OpenAI credits. This represents their joint goal and combined effort to create a better future with AI.

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