
Google Claims Microsoft Tried to Sell Bing to Apple Multiple Times

Google Claims Microsoft Tried to Sell Bing to Apple Multiple Times

Google has unveiled revelations from its antitrust case, shedding light on Microsoft’s attempts to sell its search engine, Bing, to Apple. The tech giant alleges that Microsoft made several propositions to Apple over the years, aiming to secure Bing as the default search option on Apple’s Safari browser. However, each effort was met with rejection from Apple, primarily due to concerns over Bing’s search quality and advertising capabilities.

According to court documents, Microsoft approached Apple with offers in 2009, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, and 2020, pitching Bing as a potential default search engine. Google contends that Apple consistently opted for Google as the superior choice, emphasizing the importance of healthy competition in the market.

Eddy Cue, Apple’s senior vice president of services, highlighted concerns about Bing’s quality and investment compared to Google, stating that Microsoft’s offerings fell short in these aspects. Despite Microsoft’s efforts to improve Bing’s quality and propose lucrative deals, including potential joint ventures with Apple, the tech giant remained unconvinced, opting to maintain its partnership with Google.

In response to Google’s claims, Microsoft denies that Bing’s inferior quality led to the failed negotiations with Apple. Instead, Microsoft argues that Google’s financial agreements with Apple, including substantial payments for being the default search engine, played a significant role in Apple’s decisions. Mikhail Parakhin, Microsoft’s CEO of Advertising and Web Services, asserted that despite offering competitive deals, Apple favored Google due to its existing arrangement, even rejecting offers exceeding Google’s payments.

The Department of Justice’s antitrust lawsuit against Google underscores the broader implications of these revelations. With Google facing accusations of monopolizing the search market, the case raises questions about fair competition practices and market dominance. While Google maintains its stance on fair competition, the ongoing legal battle highlights the complexities of the tech industry’s landscape and its regulatory challenges.

As the case unfolds, the scrutiny of tech giants’ business practices intensifies, with potential ramifications for the search engine market’s dynamics. Apple’s pivotal role in choosing default search engines underscores the significance of partnerships and competitive strategies in shaping users’ online experiences.

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