
Google Ad Sales Division Undergoes Restructuring, Leading to Job Cuts

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Google is undergoing a significant restructuring in its ad sales division, resulting in the elimination of “hundreds of roles” globally, particularly impacting the “Large Customer Sales” (LCS) team, according to reports from Business Insider and The Verge.

The move follows a broader trend within Google, where AI technologies are increasingly taking center stage. The company has been integrating generative AI features into Google Ads, such as a natural-language chatbot assisting users in navigating ad products and a system autonomously creating ad assets based on buyer-provided budgets and goals.

Philipp Schindler, Google’s Chief Business Officer, conveyed the news of layoffs in a memo, emphasizing changes in the sales team’s operational dynamics. The restructuring involves a shift of focus from large clients to medium-level clients, with Google’s Customer Solutions team emerging as the “core” ad sales team.

While the memo does not explicitly cite AI as the reason behind the layoffs, the ongoing integration of AI into advertising processes indicates a shift in the industry towards automation. Performance Max, a product utilizing AI for optimal ad spending across products, is part of this automation initiative.

Chris Pappas, a Google spokesperson, clarified the restructuring’s purpose to Business Insider, stating, “Every year we go through a rigorous process to structure our team to provide the best service to our Ads customers. We map customers to the right specialist teams and sales channels to meet their service needs.”

The recent round of layoffs in the ad sales division follows Google’s broader downsizing initiatives across various departments, including hardware, central engineering, and Google Assistant teams. Last week, Google eliminated over 1,000 roles, adding to the ongoing workforce adjustments that have been occurring since last year.

While these changes are challenging for many employees, Google aims to streamline operations and enhance services to advertisers, catering to a diverse range of clients through its AI-driven solutions. This move reflects the evolving landscape of the tech industry, where automation and AI play pivotal roles in reshaping traditional job functions.

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